Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory – promotional video

We are continuing our series of videos showing the research offerings of Wroclaw University of Technology. Each video is unique and will present a different laboratory operating on behalf of the university. Among other things, we will learn about their scope of activities, research offerings, goals and capabilities.

Today we present to you the Laboratory of Electromagnetic Compatibility (LKE)

This is a research laboratory with accreditation no: AB 167, whose field of research is electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing.

In turn, the research objects include:

  • electrical, telecommunications and electronic products and equipment
  • electronic equipment – including software
    medical equipment
  • vehicles


The Laboratory’s activities do not end there!
The characteristics of the unit, along with a discussion of its activities and research services provided, can be found below in the promotional video.

We invite you to visit the official website of the Laboratory of Electromagnetic Compatibility (LKE), where you can find details of activities and contact information: https://ktt.pwr.edu.pl/

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Innovation and Business Center

Wrocław University of Science and Technology